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- Linux Ext2fs Undeletion mini-HOWTO
- Aaron Crane, <aaronc@pobox.com>
- v1.2, 4 August 1997
- Picture this. You've spent the last three days with no sleep, no
- food, not even a shower. Your hacking compulsion has at last paid
- off: you've finished that program that will bring you world-wide fame
- and recognition. All that you still need to do is tar it up and put
- it on Sunsite. Oh, and delete all those Emacs backup files. So you
- say rm * ~. And too late, you notice the extra space in that command.
- You've just deleted your magnum opus! But help is at hand. This doc¡
- ument presents a discussion of how to retrieve deleted files from a
- Second Extended File System. Just maybe, you'll be able to release
- that program after all...
- 1. Introduction
- This mini-Howto attempts to provide hints on how to retrieve deleted
- files from an ext2 filesystem. It also contains a limited amount of
- discussion of how to avoid deleting files in the first place.
- I intend it to be useful certainly for people who have just had, shall
- we say, a little accident with rm; however, I also hope that people
- read it anyway. You never know: one day, some of the information in
- here could save your bacon.
- The text assumes a little background knowledge about UNIX filesystems
- in general; however, I hope that it will be accessible to most Linux
- users. If you are an outright beginner, I'm afraid that undeleting
- files under Linux does require a certain amount of technical knowledge
- and persistence, at least for the time being.
- You will be unable to recover deleted files from an ext2 filesystem
- without at least read access to the raw device on which the file was
- stored. In general, this means that you must be root. You also need
- debugfs from the e2fsprogs package. This should have been installed
- by your distribution.
- Why have I written this? It stems largely from my own experiences
- with a particularly foolish and disastrous rm -r command as root. I
- deleted about 97 JPEG files which I needed and could almost certainly
- not recover from other sources. Using some helpful tips (see section
- ``Credits and Bibliography'') and a great deal of persistence, I
- recovered 91 files undamaged. I managed to retrieve at least parts of
- five of the rest (enough to see what the picture was in each case).
- Only one was undisplayable, and even for this one, I am fairly sure
- that no more than 1024 bytes were lost (though unfortunately from the
- beginning of the file; given that I know nothing about the JFIF file
- format I had done as much as I could).
- I shall discuss further below what sort of recovery rate you can
- expect for deleted files.
- 1.1. Revision history
- The various publicly-released revisions of this document (and their
- publication dates) are as follows:
- ╖ v1.0 on 18 January 1997
- ╖ v1.1 on 23 July 1997 (see section ``Changes in v1.1'')
- ╖ v1.2 on 4 August 1997 (see section ``Changes in v1.2'')
- 1.1.1. Changes in version 1.1
- What changes have been made in this version? First of all, the thinko
- in the example of file recovery has been fixed. Thankyou to all those
- who wrote to point out my mistaek; I hope I've learned to be more
- careful when making up program interaction.
- Secondly, the discussion of UNIX filesystem layout has been rewritten
- to be, I hope, more understandable. I wasn't entirely happy with it
- in the first place, and some people's comments indicated that it
- wasn't clear.
- Thirdly, the vast uuencoded gzipped tarball of fsgrab in the middle of
- the file has been removed. The program is now available on my website
- <http://pobox.com/~aaronc/tech/fsgrab-1.0.tar.gz> and it should soon
- make its way onto Sunsite
- <http://sunsite.unc.edu/pub/Linux/utils/disk-management/> (and
- mirrors).
- Fourthly, the document has been translated into the Linux
- Documentation Project SGML Tools content markup language. This markup
- language can be easily converted to any of a number of other markup
- languages (including HTML and LaTeX) for convenient display and
- printing. One benefit of this is that beautiful typography in paper
- editions is a much more achievable goal; another is that the document
- has cross-references and hyperlinks when viewed on the Web.
- 1.1.2. Changes in v1.2
- This revision is very much an incremental change. It's here mainly to
- include changes suggested by readers, one of which is particularly
- important.
- The first change was suggested by Egil Kvaleberg <egil@kvaleberg.no>,
- who pointed out the dump command in debugfs. Thanks again, Egil.
- The second change is to mention the use of chattr for avoiding
- deleting important files. Thanks to Herman Suijs <H.P.M.Suijs@kub.nl>
- for mentioning this one.
- The abstract has been revised. URLs have been added for organisations
- and software. Various other minor changes have been made (including
- fixing typos and so on).
- 1.2. Canonical locations of this document
- The latest public release of this document should always be available
- in plain text format on the Linux Documentation Project site
- <http://sunsite.unc.edu/LDP/> (and mirrors).
- The latest release is also kept on my website
- <http://pobox.com/~aaronc/> in several formats:
- ╖ SGML source <http://pobox.com/~aaronc/tech/e2-undel/howto.sgml>.
- This is the source as I have written it, using the SGML Tools
- package.
- ╖ HTML <http://pobox.com/~aaronc/tech/e2-undel/html/>. This is HTML,
- automatically generated from the SGML source.
- ╖ Plain text <http://pobox.com/~aaronc/tech/e2-undel/howto.txt>.
- This is plain text, which is also automatically generated from the
- SGML source. Note that this file is identical to the one on
- Sunsite, so if you want the plain text, you are recommended to get
- it from your favourite LDP mirror (as it will probably be much
- faster).
- 2. How not to delete files
- It is vital to remember that Linux is unlike MS-DOS when it comes to
- undeletion. For MS-DOS (and its bastard progeny Windows 95), it is
- generally fairly straightforward to undelete a file - the `operating
- system' (I use the term loosely) even comes with a utility which
- automates much of the process. For Linux, this is not the case.
- So. Rule number one (the prime directive, if you will) is:
- no matter what. I know, I'm a fine one to talk. I shall merely plead
- impoverishment (being a student must have some perks) and exhort all
- right-thinking Linux users to go out and buy a useful backup device,
- work out a decent backup schedule, and to stick to it. For more
- information on this, read Frisch (1995) (see section ``Bibliography
- and Credits'').
- In the absence of backups, what then? (Or even in the presence of
- backups: belt and braces is no bad policy where important data is
- concerned.)
- Try to set the permissions for important files to 440 (or less):
- denying yourself write access to them means that rm requires an
- explicit confirmation before deleting. (I find, however, that if I'm
- recursively deleting a directory with rm -r, I'll interrupt the
- program on the first or second confirmation request and reissue the
- command as rm -rf.)
- A good trick for selected files is to create a hard link to them in a
- hidden directory. I heard a story once about a sysadmin who
- repeatedly deleted /etc/passwd by accident (thereby half-destroying
- the system). One of the fixes for this was to do something like the
- following (as root):
- # mkdir /.backup
- # ln /etc/passwd /.backup
- It requires quite some effort to delete the file contents completely:
- if you say
- # rm /etc/passwd
- then
- # ln /.backup/passwd /etc
- will retrieve it. Of course, this does not help in the event that you
- overwrite the file, so keep backups anyway.
- On an ext2 filesystem, it is possible to use ext2 attributes to
- protect things. These attributes are manipulated with the chattr
- command. There is an `append-only' attribute: a file with this
- attribute may be appended to, but may not be deleted, and the existing
- contents of the file may not be overwritten. If a directory has this
- attribute, any files or directories within it may be modified as
- normal, but no files may be deleted. The `append-only' attribute is
- set with
- $ chattr +a FILE...
- There is also an `immutable' attribute, which can only be set or
- cleared by root. A file or directory with this attribute may not be
- modified, deleted, renamed, or (hard) linked. It may be set as
- follows:
- # chattr +i FILE...
- The ext2fs also provides the `undeletable' attribute (+u in chattr).
- The intention is that if a file with that attribute is deleted,
- instead of actually being reused, it is merely moved to a `safe
- location' for deletion at a later date. Unfortunately this feature
- has not yet been implemented in mainstream kernels. However, various
- kernel patches exist which provide the ability to do reversible
- deletion; see <http://www.linuxhq.com/> if you're interested in
- patching this facility into your kernel. The most recent patch I know
- of is by Rogier Wolff <R.E.Wolff@BitWizard.nl>, Darren J Moffat
- <darren@xarius.demon.co.uk> and Kurt Huwig <kurt@huwig.de>. I would
- point out though that while this patch implements the feature, it is
- not an `undeletion solution' at the moment. Undeletable files are
- merely moved into another directory; there should be a daemon to
- periodically clean up that directory.
- Some people advocate making rm a shell alias or function for rm -i
- (which asks for confirmation on every file you delete). Indeed,
- recent versions of the Red Hat distribution <http://www.redhat.com/>
- do this by default for all users, including root. Personally, I
- cannot stand software which won't run unattended, so I don't do that.
- There is also the problem that sooner or later, you'll be running in
- single-user mode, or using a different shell, or even a different
- machine, where your rm function doesn't exist. If you expect to be
- asked for confirmation, it is easy to forget where you are and to
- specify too many files for deletion. Likewise, the various scripts
- and programs that replace rm are, IMHO, very dangerous.
- A slightly better solution is to start using a package which handles
- `recyclable' deletion by providing a command not named rm. For
- details on these, see Peek, et al (1993) (see section ``Bibliography
- and Credits'').
- 3. What recovery rate can I expect?
- That depends. Among the problems with recovering files on a high-
- quality, multi-tasking, multi-user operating system like Linux is that
- you never know when someone wants to write to the disk. So when the
- operating system is told to delete a file, it assumes that the blocks
- used by that file are fair game when it wants to allocate space for a
- new file. (This is a specific example of a general principle for
- Linux: the kernel and the associated tools assume that the users
- aren't idiots.) In general, the more usage your machine gets, the
- less likely you are to be able to recover files successfully.
- Also, disk fragmentation can affect the ease of recovering files. If
- the partition containing the deleted files is very fragmented, you are
- unlikely to be able to read a whole file.
- If your machine, like mine, is effectively a single-user workstation
- (mine doesn't even have a net connection yet; maybe next year), and
- you weren't doing anything disk-intensive at the fatal moment of
- deleting those files, I would expect a recovery rate in the same ball-
- park as detailed above. I retrieved nearly 94% of the files (and
- these were binary files, please note) undamaged. If you get 80% or
- better, you can feel pretty pleased with yourself, I should think.
- 4. So, how do I undelete a file?
- The procedure principally involves finding the data on the raw
- partition device and making it visible again to the operating system.
- There are basically two ways of doing this: one is to modify the
- existing filesystem such that the deleted inodes have their `deleted'
- flag removed, and hope that the data just magically falls back into
- place. The other method, which is safer but slower, is to work out
- where the data lies in the partition and write it out into a new file.
- There are some steps you need to take before beginning to attempt your
- data recovery; see sections ``Unmounting the filesystem'', ``Preparing
- to change inodes directly'' and ``Preparing to write data elsewhere''
- for details. To find out how to actually retrieve your files, see
- sections ``Finding the deleted inodes'', ``Obtaining the details of
- the inodes'', ``Recovering data blocks'' and ``Modifying inodes
- directly''.
- 5. Unmounting the filesystem
- Regardless of which method you choose, the first step is to unmount
- the filesystem containing the deleted files. I strongly discourage
- any urges you may have to mess around on a mounted filesystem. This
- step should be performed as soon as possible after you realise that
- the files have been deleted.
- The simplest method is as follows: assuming the deleted files were in
- the /usr partition, say:
- # umount /usr
- You may, however, want to keep some things in /usr available. So
- remount it read-only:
- # mount -o ro,remount /usr
- If the deleted files were on the root partition, you'll need to add a
- -n option to prevent mount from trying to write to /etc/mtab:
- # mount -n -o ro,remount /
- Regardless of all this, it is possible that there will be another
- process using that filesystem (which will cause the unmount to fail
- with an error such as `Resource busy'). There is a program which will
- send a signal to any process using a given file or mount point: fuser.
- Try this for the /usr partition:
- # fuser -v -m /usr
- This lists the processes involved. Assuming none of them are vital,
- you can say
- # fuser -k -v -m /usr
- to send each process a SIGKILL (which is guaranteed to kill it), or
- for example,
- # fuser -k -TERM -v -m /usr
- to give each one a SIGTERM (which will normally make the process exit
- cleanly).
- 6. Preparing to change inodes directly
- My advice? Don't do it this way. I really don't think it's wise to
- play with a filesystem at a low enough level for this to work. There
- are also has problems in that you can only reliably recover the first
- 12 blocks of each file. So if you have any long files to recover,
- you'll have to use the other method anyway. (Although see section
- ``Will this get easier in future?'' for additional information.)
- If you feel you must do it this way, my advice is to copy the raw
- partition data to an image on a different partition, and then mount
- this using loopback:
- # cp /dev/hda5 /root/working
- # mount -t ext2 -o loop /root/working /mnt
- This does, however, require a recent version of mount. (Although you
- should get version 2.6 or newer anyway, as all earlier versions have a
- major security bug which allows peons to get root access. The major
- distributions, that is, Debian, RedHat and Slackware, have all been
- updated with version 2.6 of mount.)
- Using loopback means that when you completely destroy the filesystem
- (as you quite possibly will), all you have to do is copy the raw
- partition back and start again.
- 7. Preparing to write data elsewhere
- You need to make sure you have a rescue partition somewhere.
- Hopefully, your system has several partitions on it: perhaps a root, a
- /usr, and a /home. With all these to choose from, you should have no
- problem: just create a new directory on one of these.
- If you have only a root partition, and store everything on that (like
- me, until I can get around to repartitioning), things are slightly
- more awkward. Perhaps you have an MS-DOS or Windows partition you
- could use? Or you have the ramdisk driver in your kernel, maybe as a
- module? To use the ramdisk (assuming a kernel more recent than
- 1.3.48), say the following:
- # dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/ram0 bs=1k count=2048
- # mke2fs -v -m 0 /dev/ram0 2048
- # mount -t ext2 /dev/ram0 /mnt
- This creates a 2MB ramdisk volume, and mounts it on /mnt.
- A short word of warning: if you use kerneld to automatically load and
- unload kernel modules, then don't unmount the ramdisk until you've
- copied any files from it onto non-volatile storage. Once you unmount
- it, kerneld assumes it can unload the module (after the usual waiting
- period), and once this happens, the memory gets re-used by other parts
- of the kernel, losing all the painstaking hours you just spent
- recovering your data.
- If you have any of the new `superfloppy' removable devices, they're
- probably a good choice for a rescue partition location. Otherwise,
- you'll just have to stick with floppies.
- The other thing you're likely to need is a program which can read the
- necessary data from the middle of the partition device. At a pinch,
- dd will do the job, but to read from, say, 600 MB into an 800 MB
- partition, dd insists on reading but ignoring the first 600 MB. This
- takes a not inconsiderable amount of time. My way round this was to
- write a program which will seek to the middle of the partition. It's
- called fsgrab; you can find the source package on my website
- <http://pobox.com/~aaronc/tech/fsgrab-1.0.tar.gz> and it should soon
- make its way onto Sunsite
- <http://sunsite.unc.edu/pub/Linux/utils/disk-management/> (and
- mirrors). If you want to use this method, the rest of this mini-Howto
- assumes that you have fsgrab.
- If none of the files you are trying to recover were more than 12
- blocks long (where a block is usually one kilobyte), then you won't
- need fsgrab.
- If you need to use fsgrab but don't want to, it is fairly
- straightforward to translate an fsgrab command-line to one for dd. If
- we have
- fsgrab -c count -s skip device
- then the corresponding dd command is
- dd bs=1k if=device count=count skip=skip
- I must warn you that, although fsgrab functioned perfectly for me, I
- can take no responsibility for how it performs. It was really a very
- quick and dirty kludge just to get things to work. For more details
- on the lack of warranty, see the `No Warranty' section in the COPYING
- file included with it (the GNU General Public Licence).
- 8. Finding the deleted inodes
- The next step is to ask the filesystem which inodes have recently been
- freed. This is a task you can accomplish with debugfs. Start debugfs
- with the name of the device on which the filesystem is stored:
- # debugfs /dev/hda5
- If you want to modify the inodes directly, add a -w option to enable
- writing to the filesystem:
- # debugfs -w /dev/hda5
- The debugfs command to find the deleted inodes is lsdel. So, type the
- command at the prompt:
- debugfs: lsdel
- After much wailing and grinding of disk mechanisms, a long list is
- piped into your favourite pager (the value of $PAGER). Now you'll
- want to save a copy of this somewhere else. If you have less, you can
- type -o followed by the name of an output file. Otherwise, you'll
- have to arrange to send the output elsewhere. Try this:
- debugfs: quit
- # echo lsdel | debugfs /dev/hda5 > lsdel.out
- Now, based only on the deletion time, the size, the type, and the
- numerical permissions and owner, you must work out which of these
- deleted inodes are the ones you want. With luck, you'll be able to
- spot them because they're the big bunch you deleted about five minutes
- ago. Otherwise, trawl through that list carefully.
- I suggest that if possible, you print out the list of the inodes you
- want to recover. It will make life a lot easier.
- 9. Obtaining the details of the inodes
- debugfs has a stat command which prints details about an inode. Issue
- the command for each inode in your recovery list. For example, if
- you're interested in inode number 148003, try this:
- debugfs: stat <148003>
- Inode: 148003 Type: regular Mode: 0644 Flags: 0x0 Version: 1
- User: 503 Group: 100 Size: 6065
- File ACL: 0 Directory ACL: 0
- Links: 0 Blockcount: 12
- Fragment: Address: 0 Number: 0 Size: 0
- ctime: 0x31a9a574 -- Mon May 27 13:52:04 1996
- atime: 0x31a21dd1 -- Tue May 21 20:47:29 1996
- mtime: 0x313bf4d7 -- Tue Mar 5 08:01:27 1996
- dtime: 0x31a9a574 -- Mon May 27 13:52:04 1996
- 594810 594811 594814 594815 594816 594817
- TOTAL: 6
- If you have a lot of files to recover, you'll want to automate this.
- Assuming that your lsdel list of inodes to recover in is in lsdel.out,
- try this:
- # cut -c1-6 lsdel.out | grep "[0-9]" | tr -d " " > inodes
- This new file inodes contains just the numbers of the inodes to
- recover, one per line. We save it because it will very likely come in
- handy later on. Then you just say:
- # sed 's/^.*$/stat <\0>/' inodes | debugfs /dev/hda5 > stats
- and stats contains the output of all the stat commands.
- 10. Recovering data blocks
- This part is either very easy or distinctly less so, depending on
- whether the file you are trying to recover is more than 12 blocks
- long.
- 10.1. Short files
- If the file was no more than 12 blocks long, then the block numbers of
- all its data are stored in the inode: you can read them directly out
- of the stat output for the inode. Moreover, debugfs has a command
- which performs this task automatically. To take the example we had
- before, repeated here:
- debugfs: stat <148003>
- Inode: 148003 Type: regular Mode: 0644 Flags: 0x0 Version: 1
- User: 503 Group: 100 Size: 6065
- File ACL: 0 Directory ACL: 0
- Links: 0 Blockcount: 12
- Fragment: Address: 0 Number: 0 Size: 0
- ctime: 0x31a9a574 -- Mon May 27 13:52:04 1996
- atime: 0x31a21dd1 -- Tue May 21 20:47:29 1996
- mtime: 0x313bf4d7 -- Tue Mar 5 08:01:27 1996
- dtime: 0x31a9a574 -- Mon May 27 13:52:04 1996
- 594810 594811 594814 594815 594816 594817
- TOTAL: 6
- This file has six blocks. Since this is less than the limit of 12, we
- get debugfs to write the file into a new location, such as
- /mnt/recovered.000:
- debugfs: dump <148003> /mnt/recovered.000
- Of course, this can also be done with fsgrab; I'll present it here as
- an example of using it:
- # fsgrab -c 2 -s 594810 /dev/hda5 > /mnt/recovered.000
- # fsgrab -c 4 -s 594814 /dev/hda5 >> /mnt/recovered.000
- With either debugfs or fsgrab, there will be some garbage at the end
- of /mnt/recovered.000, but that's fairly unimportant. If you want to
- get rid of it, the simplest method is to take the Size field from the
- inode, and plug it into the bs option in a dd command line:
- # dd count=1 if=/mnt/recovered.000 of=/mnt/resized.000 bs=6065
- Of course, it is possible that one or more of the blocks that made up
- your file has been overwritten. If so, then you're out of luck: that
- block is gone forever. (But just imagine if you'd unmounted sooner!)
- 10.2. Longer files
- The problems appear when the file has more than 12 data blocks. It
- pays here to know a little of how UNIX filesystems are structured.
- The file's data is stored in units called `blocks'. These blocks may
- be numbered sequentially. A file also has an `inode', which is the
- place where information such as owner, permissions, and type are kept.
- Like blocks, inodes are numbered sequentially, although they have a
- different sequence. A directory entry consists of the name of the
- file and an inode number.
- But with this state of affairs, it is still impossible for the kernel
- to find the data corresponding to a directory entry. So the inode
- also stores the location of the file's data blocks, as follows:
- ╖ The block numbers of the first 12 data blocks are stored directly
- in the inode; these are sometimes referred to as the direct blocks.
- ╖ The inode contains the block number of an indirect block. An
- indirect block contains the block numbers of 256 additional data
- blocks.
- ╖ The inode contains the block number of a doubly indirect block. A
- doubly indirect block contains the block numbers of 256 additional
- indirect blocks.
- ╖ The inode contains the block number of a triply indirect block. A
- triply indirect block contains the block numbers of 256 additional
- doubly indirect blocks.
- Read that again: I know it's complex, but it's also important.
- Now, the current kernel implementation (certainly for all versions up
- to and including 2.0.30) unfortunately zeroes all indirect blocks (and
- doubly indirect blocks, and so on) when deleting a file. So if your
- file was longer than 12 blocks, you have no guarantee of being able to
- find even the numbers of all the blocks you need, let alone their
- contents.
- The only method I have been able to find thus far is to assume that
- the file was not fragmented: if it was, then you're in trouble.
- Assuming that the file was not fragmented, there are several layouts
- of data blocks, according to how many data blocks the file used:
- 0 to 12
- The block numbers are stored in the inode, as described above.
- 13 to 268
- After the direct blocks, count one for the indirect block, and
- then there are 256 data blocks.
- 269 to 65804
- As before, there are 12 direct blocks, a (useless) indirect
- block, and 256 blocks. These are followed by one (useless)
- doubly indirect block, and 256 repetitions of one (useless)
- indirect block and 256 data blocks.
- 65805 or more
- The layout of the first 65804 blocks is as above. Then follow
- one (useless) triply indirect block and 256 repetitions of a
- `doubly indirect sequence'. Each doubly indirect sequence
- consists of a (useless) doubly indirect block, followed by 256
- repetitions of one (useless) indirect block and 256 data blocks.
- Of course, even if these assumed data block numbers are correct, there
- is no guarantee that the data in them is intact. In addition, the
- longer the file was, the less chance there is that it was written to
- the filesystem without appreciable fragmentation (except in special
- circumstances).
- You should note that I assume throughout that your blocksize is 1024
- bytes, as this is the standard value. If your blocks are bigger, some
- of the numbers above will change. Specifically: since each block
- number is 4 bytes long, blocksize/4 is the number of block numbers
- that can be stored in each indirect block. So every time the number
- 256 appears in the discussion above, replace it with blocksize/4. The
- `number of blocks required' boundaries will also have to be changed.
- Let's look at an example of recovering a longer file.
- debugfs: stat <1387>
- Inode: 148004 Type: regular Mode: 0644 Flags: 0x0 Version: 1
- User: 503 Group: 100 Size: 1851347
- File ACL: 0 Directory ACL: 0
- Links: 0 Blockcount: 3616
- Fragment: Address: 0 Number: 0 Size: 0
- ctime: 0x31a9a574 -- Mon May 27 13:52:04 1996
- atime: 0x31a21dd1 -- Tue May 21 20:47:29 1996
- mtime: 0x313bf4d7 -- Tue Mar 5 08:01:27 1996
- dtime: 0x31a9a574 -- Mon May 27 13:52:04 1996
- 8314 8315 8316 8317 8318 8319 8320 8321 8322 8323 8324 8325 8326 8583
- TOTAL: 14
- There seems to be a reasonable chance that this file is not
- fragmented: certainly, the first 12 blocks listed in the inode (which
- are all data blocks) are contiguous. So, we can start by retrieving
- those blocks:
- # fsgrab -c 12 -s 8314 /dev/hda5 > /mnt/recovered.001
- Now, the next block listed in the inode, 8326, is an indirect block,
- which we can ignore. But we trust that it will be followed by 256
- data blocks (numbers 8327 through 8582).
- # fsgrab -c 256 -s 8327 /dev/hda5 >> /mnt/recovered.001
- The final block listed in the inode is 8583. Note that we're still
- looking good in terms of the file being contiguous: the last data
- block we wrote out was number 8582, which is 8327 + 255. This block
- 8583 is a doubly indirect block, which we can ignore. It is followed
- by up to 256 repetitions of an indirect block (which is ignored)
- followed by 256 data blocks. So doing the arithmetic quickly, we
- issue the following commands. Notice that we skip the doubly indirect
- block 8583, and the indirect block 8584 immediately (we hope)
- following it, and start at block 8585 for data.
- # fsgrab -c 256 -s 8585 /dev/hda5 >> /mnt/recovered.001
- # fsgrab -c 256 -s 8842 /dev/hda5 >> /mnt/recovered.001
- # fsgrab -c 256 -s 9099 /dev/hda5 >> /mnt/recovered.001
- # fsgrab -c 256 -s 9356 /dev/hda5 >> /mnt/recovered.001
- # fsgrab -c 256 -s 9613 /dev/hda5 >> /mnt/recovered.001
- # fsgrab -c 256 -s 9870 /dev/hda5 >> /mnt/recovered.001
- Adding up, we see that so far we've written 12 + (7 * 256) blocks,
- which is 1804. The `stat' results for the inode gave us a
- `blockcount' of 3616; unfortunately these blocks are 512 bytes long
- (as a hangover from UNIX), so we really want 3616/2 = 1808 blocks of
- 1024 bytes. That means we need only four more blocks. The last data
- block written was number 10125. As we've been doing so far, we skip
- an indirect block (number 10126); we can then write those last four
- blocks.
- # fsgrab -c 4 -s 10127 /dev/hda5 >> /mnt/recovered.001
- Now, with some luck the entire file has been recovered successfully.
- 11. Modifying inodes directly
- This method is, on the surface, much easier. However, as mentioned
- above, it cannot cope with files longer than 12 blocks.
- For each inode you want to recover, you must set the usage count to
- one, and set the deletion time to zero. This is done with the mi
- (modify inode) command in debugfs. Some sample output, modifying
- inode 148003 from above:
- debugfs: mi <148003>
- Mode [0100644]
- User ID [503]
- Group ID [100]
- Size [6065]
- Creation time [833201524]
- Modification time [832708049]
- Access time [826012887]
- Deletion time [833201524] 0
- Link count [0] 1
- Block count [12]
- File flags [0x0]
- Reserved1 [0]
- File acl [0]
- Directory acl [0]
- Fragment address [0]
- Fragment number [0]
- Fragment size [0]
- Direct Block #0 [594810]
- Direct Block #1 [594811]
- Direct Block #2 [594814]
- Direct Block #3 [594815]
- Direct Block #4 [594816]
- Direct Block #5 [594817]
- Direct Block #6 [0]
- Direct Block #7 [0]
- Direct Block #8 [0]
- Direct Block #9 [0]
- Direct Block #10 [0]
- Direct Block #11 [0]
- Indirect Block [0]
- Double Indirect Block [0]
- Triple Indirect Block [0]
- That is, I set the deletion time to 0 and the link count to 1 and just
- pressed return for each of the other fields. Granted, this is a
- little unwieldy if you have a lot of files to recover, but I think you
- can cope. If you'd wanted chrome, you'd have used a graphical
- `operating system' with a pretty `Recycle Bin'.
- By the way: the mi output refers to a `Creation time' field in the
- inode. This is a lie! (Or misleading, anyway.) The fact of the
- matter is that you cannot tell on a UNIX filesystem when a file was
- created. The st_ctime member of a struct stat refers to the `inode
- change time', that is, the last time when any inode details were
- changed. Here endeth today's lesson.
- Note that more recent versions of debugfs than the one I'm using
- probably do not include some of the fields in the listing above
- (specifically, Reserved1 and (some of?) the fragment fields).
- Once you've modified the inodes, you can quit debugfs and say:
- # e2fsck -f /dev/hda5
- The idea is that each of the deleted files has been literally
- undeleted, but none of them appear in any directory entries. The
- e2fsck program can detect this, and will add a directory entry for
- each file in the /lost+found directory of the filesystem. (So if the
- partition is normally mounted on /usr, the files will now appear in
- /usr/lost+found.) All that still remains to be done is to work out
- the name of each file from its contents, and return it to its correct
- place in the filesystem tree.
- When you run e2fsck, you will get some informative output, and some
- questions about what damage to repair. Answer `yes' to everything
- that refers to `summary information' or to the inodes you've changed.
- Anything else I leave up to you, although it's usually a good idea to
- say `yes' to all the questions. When e2fsck finishes, you can remount
- the filesystem.
- Actually, there's an alternative to having e2fsck leave the files in
- /lost+found: you can use debugfs to create a link in the filesystem to
- the inode. Use the link command in debugfs after you've modified the
- inode:
- debugfs: link <148003> foo.txt
- This creates a file called foo.txt in what debugfs thinks is the
- current directory; foo.txt will be your file. You'll still need to
- run e2fsck to fix the summary information and block counts and so on.
- 12. Will this get easier in future?
- Yes. In fact, I believe it already has. Kernels in the development
- 2.1.x series have not zeroed indirect blocks since more than six
- months ago. At the beginning of December 1996, there was some talk on
- the linux-kernel mailing-list of producing another 2.0.x production
- kernel that also leaves indirect blocks intact on deletion. Although
- as of the pre-released versions of kernel 2.0.31 this has not
- happened, I suspect that it is feasible. Once Linus and the other
- kernel hackers overcome this limitation in the production kernels, a
- lot of my objections to the technique of modifying inodes by hand will
- disappear. At the very latest, this should happen on the release of
- the 2.2.x kernel series, which (according to historical kernel
- development time-scales) should happen some time in the first quarter
- of 1998. When this wart is corrected, it will also be possible to use
- the dump command in debugfs on long files.
- 13. Are there any tools to automate this process?
- As it happens, there are. Unfortunately, I believe that they suffer
- from the same problem as the manual inode modification technique:
- indirect blocks are unrecoverable. However, given the likelihood that
- this will shortly no longer be a problem, it's well worth looking
- these programs out now.
- Someone on the net mentioned lde by Scott Heavner. To be honest, I
- wouldn't recommend this as a tool for automating file recovery. It's
- more like a full-screen debugfs than anything else, although it does
- have some features like the ability to scan for certain types of file
- or for certain file contents. It also works with the xia (does anyone
- actually use this any more?) and minix filesystems, which I guess is
- its major selling point these days. Version 2.3.4 is available on
- Sunsite
- <ftp://sunsite.unc.edu/pub/Linux/system/Filesystems/lde-2.3.4.tar.gz>
- and mirrors (although it's possible there's a more recent version than
- this; I found that one on an 8-month-old CD-ROM archive). lde does
- have some fairly useful documentation on basic filesystem concepts, as
- well as a document on how to use it for recovering deleted files.
- Although I haven't used it, I suspect that my method above is better.
- It sounds like the program that really works is the GNU Midnight
- Commander, mc. This is a full-screen file management tool, based
- AFAIK on a certain MS-DOS program commonly known as `NC'. mc supports
- the mouse on the Linux console and in an xterm, and provides virtual
- filesystems which allow tricks like cd-ing to a tarfile. Among its
- virtual filesystems is one for ext2 undeletion. It all sounds very
- handy, although I must admit I've never used the program myself -- I
- prefer good old-fashioned shell commands. Apparently one must
- configure the program with the --with-ext2undel option; you'll also
- need the development libraries and include files that come with the
- e2fsprogs package. I gather that once the program is built, you can
- tell it to cd undel:dev/hda5/, and get a `directory listing' of
- deleted files.
- The latest non-development version is probably 4.0; as with the kernel
- itself, development versions are not recommended to non-hackers. The
- list of (over 70) download sites is available on the Midnight
- Commander 4 website <http://mc.blackdown.org/mc4/>, or try the
- official ftp site
- <ftp://ftp.nuclecu.unam.mx/linux/local/mc-4.0.tar.gz> (which if memory
- serves is rather slow).
- 14. Colophon
- I intend to produce regular updates to this document as long as I have
- both enough time to do it, and something interesting to say. This
- means that I am eager to hear comments from readers. Could my writing
- be clearer?. Can you think of something that would make matters
- easier? Is there some new tool that does it all automatically? Who
- did kill JFK?
- Whatever. If you have something to say, about this document or any
- other subject, drop me a line on <aaronc@pobox.com>.
- 15. Credits and Bibliography
- `If I have seen farther than others, it is because I was
- standing on the shoulders of giants.' (Isaac Newton)
- Much of this mini-Howto was derived from a posting in the
- comp.os.linux.misc newsgroup by Robin Glover <swrglovr@met.rdg.ac.uk>.
- I would like to thank Robin for graciously allowing me to rework his
- ideas into this mini-Howto.
- Some bibliographic references:
- ╖ Frisch, ╞leen (1995), Essential System Administration, second
- edition, O'Reilly and Associates, Inc., ISBN: 1-56592-127-5.
- ╖ Glover, Robin (31 Jan 1996), HOW-TO : undelete linux files
- (ext2fs/debugfs), comp.os.linux.misc Usenet posting.
- ╖ Peek, Jerry, Tim O'Reilly, Mike Loukides et al (1993), UNIX Power
- Tools, O'Reilly and Associates, Inc./Random House, Inc., ISBN:
- 0-679-79073-X.
- 16. Legalities
- All trademarks are the property of their respective owners.
- Specifically:
- ╖ MS-DOS and Windows are trademarks of Microsoft
- <http://www.microsoft.com/>.
- ╖ UNIX is a trademark of the Open Group <http://www.open.org/>.
- ╖ The trademark status of the name Linux is currently being contested
- by lawyers. A certain Walter R. Della Croce has made an allegedly
- false trademark registration for the term. Further information on
- the Linux trademark issue is available from the Linux Mall
- <http://www.linuxmall.com/announce/>.
- This document is Copyright ⌐ 1997 Aaron Crane <aaronc@pobox.com>. It
- may be freely redistributed in its entirety, including the whole of
- this copyright notice, but may not be changed without permission from
- either the author or the Linux Documentation Project Coordinator.
- Dispensation is granted for copying small verbatim portions for the
- purposes of reviews or for quoting; in these circumstances, sections
- may be reproduced in the presence of an appropriate citation but
- without this copyright notice.
- The author requests but does not require that parties intending to
- sell copies of this document, whether on computer-readable or human-
- readable media, inform either him or the Linux HOWTO Coordinator of
- their intentions.
- The Linux HOWTO Coordinator is Greg Hankins <gregh@sunsite.unc.edu>.